[title-1]Najważniejsze zmiany[/title-1]
- MIUI v4 dla Galaxy Note 2
- dalsza optymalizacja MIUI v4
- Funkcja konwertowanie motywów na nowy format w tle, konwersja grupowa
- spolszczenia w niedzielę
- brak LT26i i już się nie pojawi. Jest to spowodowane zaprzestaniem wsparcia AOSP dla tego telefonu. Ponoć projekt przejęło Sony ale na tym się na razie skończyło…
Optimization reduced the volume of notification tone during a call
Optimization country code is prohibited from inputting while customizing attribution
Fixed inaccurate call duration shown during a call
Fixed keyboard cannot pop up during the “Call before editing” function
Fixed SMS type prompt error in the SMS input box in some cases
Fixed insufficient number of contacts are recommended while creating a new message
[Lock screen, status bar, notification bar]
Fixed lock screen music interface playback status display error
Fixed lock screen variety frame display error caused by zooming
Optimized batch conversion processing of old theme packages
Optimized reduce the size of the storage space occupied by imported themes
Optimized sorting of recently downloaded local resource list
Optimized theme list loading speed
Fixed pages sometimes can not be loaded after clicking on recommended themes
Fixed inconsistencies between local themes state and online theme state
Fixed old files are not deleted when updating
Fixed user is not prompted to restart the phone when applying a new font
Fixed current application is not displayed correctly while running mix and match modules
Fixed in some cases clicking the “Write a review” button does not give any response
Fixed quickly switching ringtone length results in a display error
Fixed setting the lock screen wallpaper to the same as your desktop wallpaper causes the desktop wallpaper enlarged
Fixed local ringtones list page is not in accordance with the ringtones in “My Downloads” and “Default ringtones”
Added the blacklist mechanism to automatically filter and hide common ads and cache albums
Fixed calibration failure in some non-Xiaomi phones
Fixed when adding the blacklist and importing log, inadvertently tapping the screen leads to cancel the import
Fixed when alarm volume is muted, notes reminder will FC